Revolutionizing Laser Technology and Tissue Repair: A Breakthrough in Facet Engineering


In the ever-evolving landscape of scientific innovation, researchers at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal have achieved a groundbreaking milestone with their novel technique known as “facet engineering.” This innovative approach holds the promise of reshaping how we generate high-intensity lasers with minimal energy consumption.

Facet Engineering: Redefining Laser Efficiency

The heart of this breakthrough lies in the manipulation of tiny cesium lead bromide nanocrystals. Through the art of “facet engineering,” the researchers transformed these nanocrystals from standard cubes into intricate rhombicuboctahedrons. The implications were profound: a significant reduction in the crystal’s “gain threshold,” implying that it now demands remarkably less energy input to produce laser beams.

This achievement is rooted in the strategic alteration of the nanocrystal’s shape, specifically designed to curtail the “Auger recombination” effect. By minimizing the interactions among electrons within the crystal, the team successfully mitigated energy loss, marking a substantial leap forward in laser technology. This breakthrough not only showcases the power of nanoscale engineering but also opens avenues for more energy-efficient and sustainable applications of lasers in various fields, from communication to medical procedures.

Biomedical Adhesive: Bridging the Gap in Tissue Repair

Simultaneously, on another frontier of scientific exploration, the researchers introduced a synthetic biomedical adhesive that has the potential to reshape the landscape of tissue repair and its applications across various domains. This biodegradable and biocompatible adhesive is a game-changer in its ability to bind tissues, bones, eggshells, and even wood—both in the presence of air and underwater—without the need for additional crosslinking agents or metal ions.

Versatility Unleashed: A Sustainable Solution

What makes this adhesive truly revolutionary is its sustainability and versatility. Unlike traditional counterparts, this adhesive doesn’t rely on external agents or metals for its binding properties, making it environmentally friendly and adaptable to a multitude of scenarios. The potential applications span a spectrum—from medicine to orthopedics, drug delivery, and tissue engineering.

Implications for Tissue Repair and Beyond

The advent of this synthetic adhesive opens up avenues for redefining traditional approaches to tissue repair. If optimized, it holds the promise of becoming a viable alternative to conventional methods like sutures, staples, and wires in wound closure and bone repair. The implications ripple further, extending its utility to controlled drug delivery systems and advancements in tissue engineering.

Conclusion: Paving the Way for a New Era in Science

The combined impact of facet engineering in laser technology and the introduction of a versatile biomedical adhesive showcases the prowess of scientific ingenuity. These innovations not only push the boundaries of what we thought possible but also pave the way for a new era in materials science and biomedical engineering. The journey from the labs of IISER Bhopal to potential real-world applications is a testament to the transformative power of scientific research. As we look to the future, the convergence of such advancements is bound to shape the way we live and heal, opening doors to possibilities we have only begun to fathom.


  5. Facet Engineering of Advanced Electrocatalysts Toward Hydrogen/Oxygen Evolution Reactions | Nano-Micro Letters (


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